Mor hardd bu'r Prophwydi mor wresog

(Yr Ysgrythurau)
Mor hardd bu'r Prophwydi,
    mor wresog,
  Yn traethu Gair enwog yr Ior!
Mor beraidd ar fryniau Caersalem
  Oedd caniad ac anthem eu côr!
Yr Yspryd ennynodd eu carol
  Prophwydol a dwyfol yn dân;
Tystiolaeth yr Iesu bendigaid
  Oedd byrdwn ac enaid eu cân.

Yr Iesu oedd pwngc y cysgodau
  A'r gwaedlyd aberthau bob un,
Eu sylwedd a'u disglair ogoniant
  Oedd aberth ei haeddiant ei Hun:
Rhoi terfyn ar swydd yr aberthwr
  Yn angau'r Cyfryngwr a wnaed;
Daeth diwedd i'r gyfraith gysgodol,
  Efengyl dragywyddol a gaed.

O Dduw, 'r hwn a ro'ist yr Ysgrythyr
  Yn addysg a chysur i ni,
Rho d'Yspryd i agor ein golwg
  I'w deall, attolwg i Ti: -
Gwna'm calon, mewn cariad a gobaith,
  Yn ufudd i'th gyfraith, fy Nuw,
Ac yna, pan ddarffo fy mywyd,
  I wynfyd dwg f'yspryd i fyw.
Y Flwyddyn Eglwysig 1843

[Mesur: 9898D]

(The Scriptures)
How beautifully were the prophets,
    how warmly,
  Expounding the famous Word of the Lord!
How sweet on the hills of Jerusalem
  Were the song and anthem of their choir!
The Spirit kindled their prophetic
  And divine carol as a fire;
The testimony of the blessed Jesus
  Was the burden and soul of their song.

Jesus was the theme of the shadows
  And the bloody sacrifices, every one,
Their substance and their shining glory
  Was the sacrifice of His own merit:
An end to the office of the sacrificer
  In the death of the Mediator was put;
An end came to the shadowy law,
  An eternal gospel was got.

O God, thou who gavest the Scriptures
  As education and a comfort to us,
Give thy Spirit to open our eyes
  To understand them, we beseech Thee: -
Make my heart, in love and hope,
  Obedient to thy law, my God,
And then, when my life fades,
  To blessedness take my spirit to live.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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